9/16 09:00 am (GMT+8)

9/16 15:00 pm (GMT+8)

9/16 16:00 pm (GMT+8)

TSU- Mini-Moon Seminar Series No. 13 ( Sep, 2021)
@ Zoom

★ 9/16 09:00 am (GMT+8)
Surface effects of the Moon's past and present magnetic fields
Ian Garrick-Bethell (UC Santa Cruz, USA)

★ 9/16 15:00 pm (GMT+8)
Lunar petrology: Insights from lunar meteorites and Apollo samples
Yunhua Wu (Sun Yat Sen University, China)

★ 9/16 16:00 pm (GMT+8)
Theory and laboratory experiments of ion sputtering on lunar soil
Peter Wurz (University of Bern, Switzerland)

(Host by Ip, Wing-Huen / NCU)


Surface effects of the Moon's past and present magnetic fields

Ian Garrick-Bethell
UC Santa Cruz, USA

Lunar petrology: Insights from lunar meteorites and Apollo samples

Yunhua Wu
Sun Yat Sen University, China

Theory and laboratory experiments of ion sputtering on lunar soil

Peter Wurz
University of Bern, Switzerland

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